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Publications on Disability Studies

  • Jodoin S, Buettgen A, Groce N, Gurung P, Kaiser C, Kett M, Keogh, M., Macanawai, S. Muñoz, Y., Powaseu, I., Stein, M. A., Stein, P. J. S., Youssefian, E. (2023) Nothing about us without us: The urgent need for disability-inclusive climate research. PLOS Clim 2(3): e0000153.

  • Corynne Laurence-Ruel , Martine Lévesque , Yolanda Muñoz, Lisandre Labrecque-Lebeau et Linda Gauthier, "Trajectoires de sortie de violence conjugale des femmes en situation de handicap : une analyse des barrières structurelles et des besoins occupationnels." (2022), Revue du CREMIS , 13 (2) Available for download

  • "Case study: Climate Change and its Humanitarian Consequences The impact on persons with disabilities in Southern Madagascar." Co-authored with Dr. Mary Keogh and the CBM Global team in Madagascar. (Released on August 19, 2022) Available for download. 

  • Coordinator of the Diagnostic Research: Mujeres y Discapacidad en Mexico (Women and Disability in Mexico), for the National Institute for the Women, Mexico City, November, 2001-December, 2002. Printed Version: 2002. (Responsible for the documentary and field research and the writing of the final document). Pdf version.

Objective: To write a document that could serve as a basis for the promotion of the theme of disability in the governmental policies oriented to the improvement of the situation of the Mexican Women. There are various versions of this basic information package, including those for the elaboration of forums in five basic themes: health, family, human rights, sexuality and labor integration.

  • Article “Los estereotipos sobre la discapacidad en los medios de difusión”. (Stereotypes on Disability in Mass Media Messages) Magazine Ararú. No. 15. August-October de 1996

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